Jersey City Exterminators
Professional Flea Control And Exterminator
Contact Us, Your Jersey City Exterminator – Residential Pest Control
Jersey City Exterminators
Get rid of Pesky Fleas
Fleas are tiny, wingless insects that feed on the blood of animals and humans. They prefer to feed and live on animals such as cats and dogs. But, they also consider humans as their source of food. Lots of different types of flea species can be found. They have their own favored hosts as well. The mouth parts of these blood sucking insects have adapted to pierce the skin. These bites appear as reddish-brown in color.
Flea Infestation
Fleas live outdoors in glass and latch onto the body of warm-blooded creatures that passes through the area. Adult fleas bite both humans and animals. Pets and wild animals that nests under the home carry the fleas into the home.
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Jersey City Exterminators
Signs of Flea Infestation
Identifying flea infestation is very simple, but it is very difficult to eradicate their population. Observing the behavior of your pet is the primary step. Excessive scratching is the first sign of flea infestation. Reddened skin and loss of hair are the other signs. The most common targeted areas of fleas are head and neck of cats and hind quarters of dogs.
The length of a flea is around 2.5 mm. They have flat bodies without wings. They have six legs, which are very long. These legs help them in jumping great distances. You will not get the true extent of flea infestation even if you locate fleas in the fur of your pet. Pupae, larvae, and eggs will also thrive within the home and yard and it is very difficult to find them. The color of flea larvae is dirty-white and they measure 3-5.2 mm in length. Once you identify flea infestation, you should treat your pet with vet-recommended products and contact local pest control expert immediately for the extermination of fleas.
Jersey City Exterminators
How to Identify a Flea Bite?
Fleas require blood for survival. It is estimated that they store blood 15 times more than their weight. They require blood 2-3 times per day. Female fleas require blood for reproduction purpose as well. Flea bites on humans are mainly caused by fleas on dogs and cats. Flea bites are very itchy and painful. The bites appear as small, red bumps with a red halo around the bite. The saliva of fleas causes reactions. Usually, flea bites appear in groups or clusters of about four. They may also appear in a straight line. The bites are very common in legs and ankles, even around groin, breasts, armpits, waist, and in the folds of knees and elbows. It will cause rashes and risk of getting hives in sensitive people. Some may experience serious allergic reactions from even a single bite.
Too much of scratching and itching will lead to infection. Flea bites are also associated with some other dangers. Some fleas carry diseases and once caused the black plague. Around 25 million people were killed from this disease in the years before it was known that fleas were the cause..

Jersey City Exterminators
Importance of Hiring the Best Company for Flea Removal
​Highly experienced pest control professionals can assess the magnitude of flea infestation and create a plan for eradicating the problem effectively and safely. Instead of trying to control the flea problem yourself, it is always better to contact the best professionals. If the company is highly experienced and efficient in handling fleas, they will use very fewer pesticides. They use pesticides and toxins as the last resort. Exposure to illness is very high in flea removal. You can avoid these problems if you hire a professional pest control company.
Less cleaning, less scratching and itching, peace of mind, are the other benefits of hiring the best pest control company. To prevent future pest infestations, you must be aware of the habits, behavior, how they get into your home, and places they hide. A high-quality pest control company can provide you all such information along with the best service.